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Clean Air Childcare

Cresthill Academy is proud to introduce Clean Air Childcare™ with ActivePure® Air Purifying & Sanitizing Technology.

Scientific data repeatedly shows that ActivePure® is the most powerful air and surface purification technology ever discovered.  All Cresthill Academy HVAC units are equipped to perform the following Cleaning & Sanitizing process to keep our air clean!

How Does It Work?

Air Scrubber units with ActivePure® Technology pull free oxygen and water molecules in the air through ActivePure's patented honeycomb matrix.


Forced air passes through the titanium-oxide coated honeycomb chamber. As air passes through the honeycomb, it comes into contact with the germicidal UV light to create a catalytic reaction generating charged clusters of hydrogen and oxygen.   


The technology creates powerful oxidizers, known as ActivePure Molecules, that are then released back into the room, where they seek and destroy DNA and RNA viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus), Swine Flu (H1N1), Avian Bird Flu (H5N8), Hepatitis A (HAV) and MS2 bacteriophage, regardless of their size, on surfaces and in the air.

  1. Air Purification-reduces common pollutants that contribute to sickness, headache, fatigue, lung irritation and orders.

  2. Air Filtration - removes airborne debris, pollutants, gaseous contaminants and infectious pathogens.

  3. UVC Germicidal Light Disinfection - A known disinfectant for air, water, and nonporous surfaces. UVC light has effectively been used for decades to reduce and kill pathrogens and bacteria.

That is why all of our HVAC systems are equipped with ActivePure® Clean Air Technology - the First Air Purifier Scientifically Proven to Reduce COVID-19 on Surfaces!

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