Ahoy Mateys!
It's me! Captain Cresthill. Sorry that I have been missing for a bit, however I want

ed to share with you a series of communications our school founder and owner, Christina Dorando has been sharing with friends and families of Cresthill Academy. Below, is the first update that went out on April 16, 2020. Sorry I'm a little late to sharing, but better late than never!
Captain Cresthill
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy.
As the dust starts to settle on our new “normal,” I am finally able to update you and
your kind inquiries on how Cresthill Academy is doing during these unprecedented
Unfortunately for Cresthill Academy, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating and heartbreaking; with gut-wrenching decisions having to be made daily with opaque or no information – it felt like we were sailing blind into a storm.
With our schools shuttered and our lives completely upended, we turned to our company values and founding principles as our compass and asked ourselves, how do we continue to deliver Exceptional Early Education to support our children, families, and communities while trying to preserve livelihoods for our staff. Through these self-reflections, we launched the following initiatives that have already preserved 14 jobs for our Cresthill team while continuing to educate and enrich the lives of our children and families.
Remote-Learning: A Contribute-As-You-Can interactive learning program to continue our commitment to every child’s right to education regardless of financial or situational hardship.
Weekly Curriculum Kits: We support our families by providing consistency, bonding and learning through these weekly kits that feature a project a day for parents to do with their children without the burden of having to source Googly Eyes or Mini Pom Poms since all materials and instructions are included.
Family Meal Kits: We transformed our kitchen from preparing organic kids meals into organic Family Meal Kits to nourish our body and soul and to relieve the the burden of grocery shopping and cooking during these challenging times.
While the days ahead are uncertain, however, I am sanguine that we will get through this stronger and even better than before as the human spirit is strong and our ingenuity is boundless. As Cresthill Academy and I brave the coming days, I hope to share with you stories of kindness, altruism and light in my “Message from the Founder” series. Meanwhile, should you want to see what our teams are up to and how we are bringing light and laughter to our families and communities, please follow us on Instagram @Cresthill Academy. Lastly, I apologize if you get a duplicate email from us as I figure out how to navigate our email software, Constant Contact. Being that I am a very private person and have never marketed our programs as we rely mostly on word of mouth – thus I am very much a newbie with Constant Contact and please unsubscribe if you are emailed more than once or if you just don't want these updates as I respect you and your journey and struggles. That said, I humbly thank you for your time and I hope to continue sharing with you anecdotes of how Cresthill Academy, along with its supporters and friends like you, are making a difference in our communities as we fastidiously sail towards the rainbow at the end of this storm.
With Love, Light, and Humbleness,